Cursive Conveys Character

Beta uses Zaner Bloser Handwriting curriculum, the gold standard in handwriting instruction. Not only is cursive handwriting listed in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), but it is also KEY for continued literacy development.

Why is cursive handwriting valuable?

  • Cursive may activate parts of the brain that lead to increased language fluency.

  • Cursive reduces distractions by increasing focus, which also fosters creativity.

  • Cursive connects us to our past through primary resource documents.

  • Fluent cursive consistently predicts more skillful composing and better spelling in grades 4-7.

Expectations & Support

  • Cursive handwriting instruction begins mid-year for second-grade scholars.

  • Beginning in 4th grade, Beta scholars are expected to write in cursive on all assignments.

  • When scholars are newly enrolled at Beta and do not know cursive handwriting, they can write in print for the first nine weeks while learning cursive.

  • If newly enrolled scholars do not know cursive, we highly recommend parents purchase a Zaner Bloser handwriting practice book so scholars can learn cursive over the summer.

  • Zaner Bloser student handwriting books include QR codes with videos showing each letter’s proper formation.

For Middle / High School Scholars

For your convenience, click the here to purchase the 6th grade Zaner Bloser Handwriting Student Edition.